1. ªL¤lªª China: Coiling Dragon and Its Overprints 1897-1912, 93¤À ª÷µP+SP
2. ·¨¨q®S Dr Sun Yat-Sen Issue, New York Print , 83¤À Ááª÷µP
3. ½²¤å¶© The Postal History of Imperial China 1897-1911, 88¤À ¤jÁáª÷µP
4. ¶À©[¨| The Postal History of the Inflationary Period of China 1940-1950, 77¤À ¤j»ÈµP
5. ªô®¶Às The Evolution of Postage Metter of China ( 1928-1955 ) 88¤À ¤jÁáª÷µP
6. ¿½¤å Great Features in the World of Western Music 73¤À »ÈµP
7. ªLZ¿³ Revenue Stamps of Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina 1853-1899, 88¤À ¤jÁáª÷µP+SP
8. ³\¤l°a China: Unit Postage Stamps, 86¤À ¤jÁáª÷µP
9. ¦ó½÷¼y China Postal Cards (1897-1949), 83¤À Ááª÷µP
10. ·¨µq Hump Postal History 73¤À, »ÈµP
11. ¦¿·q镛 The Elegance of Ancient European Architecture, 68¤À »È»ÉµP
12. ¦¶静¦w The Chinese Postal Cancellation; Its Evolution and History, 71¤À »ÈµP
[ ¦¹©«³Qtonyjimmy¦b2011-11-17 16:59«·s½s¿è ]