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藏鏡人 2015-06-01 11:55
如果在ebay使用  有沒有啥風險

wmdw2003 2015-06-01 13:06

藏鏡人 2015-06-01 15:59

ming8686 2015-06-01 21:07
Ebay 有 Money back guaranty. The risk is unlikely due to buying/selling, it is more toward to how secure Ebay is capable of keeping all his customer's sensitive information. All banks have the same issue. The only thing you can do to protect this is to purchase credit card insurance and identity theft protection, which are expensive.

However, Paypal will become independent this summer (may be a good buy for its stocks!), which will impact how Ebay refund his customers.

I'll post a recent experience with Ebay which I got my money back due to a lost registered mail (flying geese cover).

stampflower 2015-10-09 09:53
差別是: 郵局的Visa卡又,叫 Debit Card,可以在網站刷卡,各處和國外都可以.但是一刷下去,就付款了,不能止付.

銀行的卡 (ViSA ): 功能同樣,但是若是刷下去,不想付了,可以請銀行止付.

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