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ming8686 2019-01-14 11:55
這裡欠資封討論不少, 但對於國際欠資總是討論信上寫的欠資, 而不討論信上寫的東西是否有錯, 所以開這帖討論


特例算法暫不討論 按1966年以前UPU一般過程為 (非分數時期, 先討論水路, 此時罰金加倍)

(寄件國國際水路郵資 所貼郵資) X 2 => 換算成金生丁 => 換算成本國錢幣(法幣金銀圓等)


以英國的例子來說, 圖一為英國國際水路郵資, 圖三上圖為英磅換算成金生丁,圖三下圖及圖四為金生丁換算成中國錢幣

ming8686 2019-01-14 11:58

ming8686 2019-01-14 12:03
圖 9 為網拍郵資問題封

ming8686 2019-01-15 10:00
分數時期的例子 欠資好像是對的 有錯請指出

ming8686 2019-01-16 09:18
中國早期欠資封少, 再差還是有6千港元

ming8686 2019-01-17 07:58

ming8686 2019-01-18 08:11

ming8686 2019-01-19 07:49
1910年,葡萄牙君主制被推翻,成立葡萄牙共和國,新政府在卡洛斯一世系列的郵票上加蓋「共和國」的字樣 (葡文:REPÚBLICA),然後運到澳門。在這個動盪的年代,郵票短缺依然,在1911年,本地的官員有創意地把4仙和10仙的郵票對角地從右上到左下剪開,再加蓋,分別使變成面值為2仙和5仙。在1913年,他們又把1898年推出的舊郵票上加蓋「共和國」。
: 查了一下郵資考. 當時港澳及廣州附近互相郵寄享有郵資半價優待. 也就是單位重量為2分, 加倍為4分, 所以此封資符. 寄中國其他城市就無優待,仍然是單位重量4分.

圖中有提到的UPU標準郵資,但它並非是一直是固定的.例如1925UPU斯德哥爾摩會議決定標準郵資可最多減 20%及加60% 也就是若標準郵資是25金生丁則許可調整範圍是20金生丁至40金生丁. 以下為部分UPU相對加拿大郵資的資料. 1929以後的規定網上都可查到

Prior to the 1920s, the UPU had set the rate for the conveyance of letters throughout the Union at 25 centimes (Canadian equivalent 5 cents). The post card rate was 10 centimes (Canadian 2 cents). As a result of currency devaluations following WWI, the 1921 UPU Madrid Convention established new rates. The standard letter rate was increased to 50 centimes, but members could charge a rate between 25 and 50 centimes. The Canadian UPU letter rate was increased to 10 cents (50 centimes) on October 1, 1921. The Madrid post card rate was set at 30 centimes (6 cents Canadian).

Rates were again changed at the 1925 Stockholm Convention. The letter rate was set at 25 centimes, but each country had the right to increase the rate up to 60% (40 centimes rate) or reduce it as much as 20% (20 centimes rate). From 1925 to 1930, Canada charged 40 centimes (8 cents) for a single weight letter, the maximum allowed by the UPU. The Stockholm Convention post card rate was set at 15 centimes, with 12 centimes as the minimum and 24 centimes as the maximum. The Canadian UPU post card rate was set at 20 centimes (4 cents).

The London Convention of 1929 introduced new minima and maxima. The letter rate was still 25 centimes, but the permissible rate range was from 20 centimes to 37 1/2 centimes. Since the Canadian UPU letter rate was 40 centimes, a rate reduction was required. The Canadian letter rate was reduced to 5 cents on July 1, 1931. The post card rate was 15 centimes with a range from 12 to 22 centimes.

michael1 2019-01-19 20:54
厲害...我連今天欠資      都不知正確算法  ??

conana 2019-01-20 00:42
引用第7樓ming8686于2019-01-19 07:49發表的 回 6樓(ming8686) 的帖子 :
1910年,葡萄牙君主制被推翻,成立葡萄牙共和國,新政府在卡洛斯一世系列的郵票上加蓋「共和國」的字樣 (葡文:REPUBLICA),然後運到澳門。在這個動盪的年代,郵票短缺依然,在1911年,本地的官員有創意地把4仙和10仙的郵票對角地從右上到左下剪開,再加蓋,分別使變成面值為2仙和5仙。在1913年,他們又把1898年推出的舊郵票上加蓋「共和國」。

圖中有提到的UPU標準郵資,但它並非是一直是固定的.例如1925UPU斯德哥爾摩會議決定標準郵資可最多減 20%及加60% 也就是若標準郵資是25金生丁則許可調整範圍是20金生丁至40金生丁. 以下為部分UPU相對加拿大郵資的資料. 1929以後的規定網上都可查到


conana 2019-01-20 00:44

ming8686 2019-01-20 08:40
依您建議, 看來還是找澳門郵資表及欠資法令才能確定

美國自1879起寄澳門以UPU看待. 若中國也以此標準 當時中國寄澳門為4分 澳門寄中國若也是4分, 那就不加倍罰了

: 查了一下郵資考. 當時港澳及廣州附近互相郵寄享有郵資半價優待, 也就是單位重量為2分. 加倍為4分, 所以此封資符. 感謝 Conana前輩的提示.

有必要將主要國家郵資, 幣値換算及欠資做一總整理 這需要相當的人力

ming8686 2019-01-20 09:19
現在少有國際自然欠資封. 幾年前從美國寄中國數封沒貼郵票, 最後全退台灣. 全部免費, 我想郵局可能不會算.

wmdw2003 2019-01-20 13:11
現在的算法就是T值*14+6, 別的地方不清楚,但我們台北這裡都會按規定補收

ming8686 2019-01-20 14:53
前年我是從美國,不貼票, 亂寫一些中國地名, 寄信住址寫台灣郵友. 其中台北數名,  全部退寄到台灣, 但沒有任何一封有被貼欠資 (一封自首除外,但算錯)

有些我還自己蓋美國郵局欠資戳在封上(真郵局戳) 但沒用,

至於國際欠資退回郵資 實寄例子不多但也是有趣的主題


ming8686 2019-01-20 15:29

ming8686 2019-01-21 06:29
大家對法幣及金銀圓時期的欠資可能較感興趣, 一方面可能是已被對岸炒翻天了. 此時的欠資封對我這學習欠資才幾個星期的也是一種挑戰.
現在來看這封1946年5月10日從南非寄中國的航空封. 郵票貼的是SC#94直雙連上票及 Sc#97直三連上票. 這兩票在原連票上都是以線齒相連的. 總共郵資為1sh +3d = 15d (penny)
當時南非國際航空郵資為每0.5oz 15d, 同時 1d 等於 10金生丁.  若是超重一單位, 則應付欠資 15*2*10= 300 Centimes 又當時法幣換算為 100 Centimes = 660 CNC 所以300 Centimes = 1980 CNC  可能郵局人員為省事算成 1900 CNC. 後貼慶祝抗戰勝利票 $300 6枚及重慶中央版總理像 $100一枚並銷上海6月3日. 這航空走很久.
以紀念票當欠資固然少見, 但不知是否符合規定. 又當時貼1980CNC輕而易舉 (可貼慶祝抗戰勝利票 $20 四張), 這能算資符的欠資封嗎?
賣家為瑞士資深中國郵票商, 常有好東西. 此封要價 美元$760, 但乏人問津.

咖吶猛狎發 2019-01-21 09:24


ming8686 2019-01-21 11:47

不看上面手寫的 25 ctms (金生丁) 小弟的算法為 (手寫或蓋的 ctms, 對小弟來說只能參考)

當時舊台幣 T$1 等於法幣 $200     欠資 T$175 = $35,000法幣   當時 100 金生丁等於法幣 $155,000

35,000/155,000*100 =  22.58金生丁 = 4.52美分  四捨五入為 5美分 (當時1美分 =  5金生丁)  所以正面貼 5美分欠資
台方郵局人員應知道美國以5金生丁為一單位,所以算到22.58金生丁便寫上最近値的 25 ctms

封上已被台灣郵局在 T 上寫 25 ctms (金生丁) 就可直接換算成 25/5 = 5美分

此封算起來似乎忘了加倍. 這是國際欠資常見的現象.
有一點要注意的是 1948年7月1日 美國將美金調整為 1美分 =  3金生丁.  這封寄到美國雖已過7月1日, 但以寄出日期為基準

這是小弟的算法, 還請前輩指點.

雲龍 2019-01-21 11:51
現在少有國際自然欠資封. 幾年前從美國寄中國數封沒貼郵票, 最後全退台灣. 全部免費, 我想郵局可能不會算.[/color

ming8686 2019-01-22 22:33

早期國際欠資並非一定加倍罰款. 看當時UPU或國與國之間的規定 以中國來說目前還未找到有寄某國有不加倍的規定

ming8686 2019-01-23 11:56


法幣末期及金銀圓時期, 因幣値在短時間變動過大, 已不能  "按表操課". 可能以郵聯標準來算

ming8686 2019-01-24 11:05


第一封從美國未貼票寄中國可惜了. 因為美方忘了當時金生丁已從 1:5 改成   1:3 同時又忘了加倍

當時美國寄中國水路郵資為5, 若1:5  換算欠資為 5x5x2 =50 金生丁 則此封應欠資 50金生丁 

1:3  換算欠資 此封應欠資 5x3x2=30金生丁 

ming8686 2019-01-24 21:55

ming8686 2019-01-27 11:35

ming8686 2019-01-28 12:59
查了一下 UPU 1897 的規定退回之欠資並無加倍罰款之規定

ming8686 2019-02-06 09:14
接下來 討論分數欠資以目前2018 UPU的規定開始

ming8686 2019-02-06 09:16
英文有困難的就看我的破中文吧! 不過可能有誤

ming8686 2019-02-07 11:54
Early fraction usage example - International post card.

ming8686 2019-02-08 00:38
插放ㄧ下2014年美國處理外國寄至美國的欠資程序. 美國一樣得入帳. 有趣的是若貼有美國郵資也算有效!

依此程序, 理論上可算出從台灣寄美貼多少美國郵資可不被罰. 這也只有無聊的集郵者才會去試的.

ming8686 2019-02-08 21:22
常見的手法. 有些欠資票不在封上,賣家就自己貼上.

ming8686 2019-02-10 09:52
Another example using fraction.

ming8686 2019-02-11 05:11
我對國際快遞郵件較感興趣, 不過一般國際快遞到臺灣就算寄一張紙也要$35.65 美元. 至於快捷則要$63 美元. GXG則要$87.05 美元. 這部分每個國家各自規定非常複雜.

423 Shortpaid Mail
423.1 General Procedures at the Originating Mailing Office
When shortpaid items are returned to sender, endorse the item “Returned For…Additional Postage.” Enter the amount of the deficiency.

423.2 Disposition
Once the class of mail has been determined, follow the appropriate procedures below for shortpaid outbound international mail.

423.21 Global Express Guaranteed (GXG) Shipments
Shortpaid Global Express Guaranteed (GXG) shipments must be endorsed “POSTAGE PAID” and forwarded without delay to the appropriate Global Express Guaranteed processing site. Except for items paid with Click-N-Ship postage, immediately notify the sender of the action taken and request payment of the deficient postage. Shortpaid Global Express Guaranteed shipments paid with Click-N-Ship will be collected automatically through this system.

Note: Global Express Guaranteed shipments must not be held for postage due payment unless the deficiency can be obtained from the sender without delaying the dispatch of the shipment.

423.22 Priority Mail Express International Shipments
423.221 Items Paid With Permit Imprint, USPS-Produced PVI Label, or USPSCA
Regardless of the amount of deficiency, consider as paid in full each shortpaid Priority Mail Express International item that is paid with a permit imprint, a USPS-produced postage validation imprinter (PVI) label, or USPS Corporate Account (USPSCA), and dispatch it to the appropriate international service center (ISC).

423.222 Items Paid With Any Other Postage Payment Method
The disposition of a shortpaid Priority Mail Express International item paid with a postage payment method other than a permit imprint, USPS-produced PVI label, or USPSCA is based on the amount of the deficiency, as follows:

Shortpaid $3.50 or less: Consider the item paid and dispatch it to the country of destination.
Shortpaid more than $3.50: Base the disposition on whether or not the item has a return address, as follows:
With a return address: Return the item to the sender. Endorse the item with rubber stamp R-1300-230, Return For…Additional Postage.
Without a return address: Forward the item to the Mail Recovery Center for proper disposition.
423.23 Priority Mail International Items
423.231 Items Paid With a Permit Imprint or USPS-Produced PVI Label
Regardless of the amount of deficiency, consider as paid in full each shortpaid Priority Mail International item that is paid with a permit imprint or USPS-produced postage validation imprinter (PVI) label, and dispatch it to the appropriate international service center (ISC).

423.232 Items Paid With Any Other Postage Payment Method
The disposition of a shortpaid Priority Mail International item paid with a postage payment method other than a permit imprint or USPS-produced PVI label is based on the amount of the deficiency, as follows:

Shortpaid $3.50 or less: Consider the item paid and dispatch it to the country of destination.
Shortpaid more than $3.50: Base the disposition on whether or not the item has a return address, as follows:
With a return address: Return the item to the sender. Endorse the item with rubber stamp R-1300-230, Return For…Additional Postage.
Without a return address: Forward the item to the Mail Recovery Center for proper disposition.
423.24 First-Class Mail International Items (including Postcards), First-Class Package International Service Items, and Airmail M-bags
423.241 Items Paid With a Permit Imprint or USPS-Produced PVI Label
Regardless of the amount of deficiency, consider as paid in full each shortpaid First-Class Mail International item (including a postcard), First-Class Package International Service item, and Airmail M-bag that is paid with a permit imprint or USPS-produced postage validation imprinter (PVI) label, and dispatch it to the appropriate international service center (ISC).

423.242 Items Paid With Any Other Postage Payment Method
The disposition of a shortpaid First-Class Mail International item (including a postcard), First-Class Package International Service item, and Airmail M–bag that is paid with a postage payment method other than a permit imprint or USPS-produced PVI label is based on the amount of the deficiency, as follows:

Shortpaid $1.00 or less: Consider the item paid and dispatch it to the appropriate international service center (ISC). Endorse the item with a T-stamp in accordance with section 451.4 of Handbook T-5, International Mail Operations. If a T-stamp is not available, endorse the item with a Postage Due stamp and enter the amount of the deficiency on the mailpiece.
Shortpaid more than $1.00: Base the disposition on whether or not the item has a return address, as follows:
With a return address: Return the item to the sender. Endorse the item with rubber stamp R-1300-230, Return For…Additional Postage.
Without a return address: Forward the item to the Mail Recovery Center for proper disposition.
423.3 Credit for Postage Paid
When computing the postage due on items that are returned to sender for insufficient postage, allow a credit for the postage already paid.

423.4 Parcels at Other Than Mailing Offices
Originating Network Distribution Centers (NDCs) must check for shortpaid parcels addressed to Canada and Mexico. Sectional centers and other intermediate offices, however, should not attempt to verify postage payment on parcels

ming8686 2019-02-14 11:47
少見的國際欠資轉寄. 依規定荷蘭欠資票應塗銷.

ming8686 2019-02-18 11:12

ming8686 2019-02-20 12:09
此封為一位前輩貼在line詢問的, 是一封成功的國際欠資退回. 應是郵友做的.
郵局決定將此封寄出也合乎 2018 UPU的規定(有寄件人地址 => 存局侯領)

但原欠資60分, 退回罰雙倍 $1.2   不知是依據香港郵政的那一條款?


ming8686 2019-02-25 08:14
Mongolia postage due Cover

swift 2019-02-25 15:41


ming8686 2019-02-25 23:32
蒙古適用「國際郵資」我也覺得奇怪,但手邊資料有限, 或許有郵文有提到.

從過去的網拍看來, 的確用 國際郵資 為大多數

至於貼的封為 Michael Rogers 的網拍 他也認為應貼 50分 我手上郵資表顯示1935年初為 25C. 或許有更精確或可靠的郵資表?


swift 2019-02-26 00:03

ming8686 2019-02-26 00:24
你的說法較合邏輯! 此信不應走超過兩個月 (以寄出時間為準)

ming8686 2019-02-26 11:19
我並沒有去研究那蒙古封的郵路, 不過若是走西伯利亞可用國際郵資.

ming8686 2019-02-27 11:06

ming8686 2019-03-11 10:00

ming8686 2019-03-12 10:27
節錄一則20年前一前輩之文章. 一般國外欠資少有討論外國欠資是否正確, 此文也不例外.

當時一分銀為2.5金生丁, 欠資3分加倍為6分  6 x 2.5=15 金生丁

比利時一直到一戰前, 幣値一直與法郎相等, 此封應貼15分欠資.

michael1 2019-03-12 10:58
ming8686發表的 早期欠資封   內容豐富     但近期欠資封   要如何計算???

ming8686 2019-03-12 11:15

ming8686 2019-03-13 10:21
香港寄新加坡. 貼$2.2港元卻不計郵資. 分子竟然與分母一樣.
按: 有前輩指出郵票無效 (為97之前) 抱歉ㄧ時不查 誤導了

ming8686 2019-03-13 10:43

(40 / 90) x 2.3 + 4 = $5資符


ming8686 2019-03-13 11:02
From Scotland to Australia.

Postmarked Edinburgh 13 May 2010. (2nd Class mail)

反面貼個標籤, 欠資就免了

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