主題 : FIP 開始徵求2009 世界最佳原圖卡推選
級別: 討論區版主

UID: 164
精華: 7
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升級點數: 33706 點
金錢: 315659 金幣
在線時間: 10544(時)
注冊時間: 2005-07-30
最後登錄: 2025-01-24
樓主  發表于: 2010-06-08 18:59

FIP 開始徵求2009 世界最佳原圖卡推選

自國外集郵網站上, 看到 FIP 原圖委員會開始徵求2009 世界最佳原圖卡推選,

First, I am sending you our 2009 World Maximaphily Activity Report, as 1st attachment.
All information I have written is based on your 2009 National Activity Report.
Many thanks to all of you, for your efforts to enrich the present World Maximaphily Activity Report.
The attached Report will be also sent to all National FIP Member Federations.
You are invited  to publish the first 61/2 pages or part of them in your Maximaphily Association's Journal,
or in your Federation's other Philatelic magazines. In doing so, don't forget to stress to your country's philatelists
that in spite of difficulties Worldwide Maximaphily is progressing.

Second, I am sending you the Entry Form for the Best Maximum Card Competition, as a 2nd attachment.
Please complete the Entry Form and send it together with the selected Maximum Card
by registered letter (preferably) to my mailing address, as soon as possible.

Third, for your information, the 8th Best Maximum Card Competition
will take place in Lisbon, during the PORTUGAL 2010 World Philatelic Exhibition,
on Thursday, October 7th, 2010 between 8:30 to 10:30 AM in the Congress Centre, Auditorium 3;
as part of the FIP Maximaphily Commission's Meeting and Seminar.
I will be delighted to see many of you there and meet you in person.
With friendly regards

George Constantourakis
FIP Maximaphily Commission Chairman
2115 Girouard
Montreal QC
H4A 3C4

P.S. Those Delegates sending a personal Maximum Card, created as a  single copy may request to
have their MC returned to them later on.this is to encourage you sending those unique items, that
should be noticed, enjoyed by all and possibly be rewarded.

2009年最佳原圖卡評選將於 2010 葡萄牙世展期間舉行, 為鼓勵各國提出最佳原圖卡參加評選.,


級別: 榮譽會員
UID: 723
精華: 1
發帖: 2649
升級點數: 378 點
金錢: 7832 金幣
在線時間: 1954(時)
注冊時間: 2005-04-16
最後登錄: 2025-01-22
1樓  發表于: 2010-06-11 12:51

阿德的店 部落閣網址:http://adstores.blogspot.com
級別: 榮譽會員
UID: 723
精華: 1
發帖: 2649
升級點數: 378 點
金錢: 7832 金幣
在線時間: 1954(時)
注冊時間: 2005-04-16
最後登錄: 2025-01-22
2樓  發表于: 2010-06-12 21:49

引用第2樓阿名于2010-06-12 18:19發表的  :

可不可以  貼個 圖片 讓我們  參考參考  觀摩一下     謝了

這是需要 FIP 原圖委員會的台灣代表通過的.不是任何人貼上個 圖片就行.已經推廣2-3年了.手軟了.隨緣.阿名兄可以搜索本網的原圖就會看到.
阿德的店 部落閣網址:http://adstores.blogspot.com
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